For years Church leaders have been emphasizing that home is the best place to live, learn, and teach the gospel, and gospel learning and teaching should be part of our daily lives, not confined to Sunday classes.
Using the new Come, Follow Me resources, Primary, and youth, and adult Sunday School classes support home-centered gospel learning as teachers inspire learners to experience the power of God’s word for themselves. They invite class members to discover gospel truths in the scriptures and share their discoveries with each other “that all may be edified of all” (D&C 88:122).

The Saldaña Family of the Angeles Philippines Stake regularly conducts their Come, Follow Me every Sunday. “We consistently have ‘Hear Him’ devotionals on a weekly basis and we insert Come, Follow me to our family time….This is a modern revelation from God which helps us in our needs today. It reminds us that we can face the adversary and challenges because of our Savior’s love for us", said Liza Saldaña. Liza’s husband, Joel Saldaña also added, “We promote gospel culture in our family…. I want my children to do the same when they have their own family in the future.”
It gave them the desire to apply the gospel of Jesus Christ to strengthen themselves, their families, and even their friends. He said, “It is important to show our love for them because with our example they will realize how the gospel can change them, for the best.” And as a result, the Saldaña family made another bold step. Liza stated, “We even included our neighbors in our devotionals. And now, we feel the Spirit all the time and became closer to God.” They felt the joyous feeling of sharing this program of the church with others.

The Libunao couple of the Paniqui Philippines Stake, through consistent efforts and hard work, made their study of the Come, Follow Me fun and suitable for their kids to enjoy learning about Jesus Christ and his gospel. As a result, the kids look forward to their regular study of Come, Follow Me.
Brother Jovert Libunao and his wife, Shahani, both have hectic schedules. "Sometimes it is impossible to study Come Follow Me where everyone is present," said Brother Libunao. "To make it work, we decided to do it in parts." They regularly did their Come, Follow Me on a daily basis. And during Sabbath, they made sure their family home evenings are very special.
In the evening, the Libunao family does many fun activities. Camping is one of the family's interests, so they hold outdoor barbeque, lay down on the grass, stargaze, and share their reflections and evaluations based on the things they have learned from their Come, Follow Me lessons throughout the week. Mira loves the "evaluation" part as each family member is given a chance to voice out their feelings, what bothers them, what went well, and things they need to improve.
"We make sure our home is a place where they can have the opportunity to have both secular and spiritual education. We know that with this practice, it will be inevitable for each of our children to have spiritual experiences", said the couple.
For the Ocampo Family of the Mabalacat Philippines Stake, it was really challenging at first. "Rina works at night and I work during the day. But we always made sure to put it on top of our priorities. Since then, it became easier for us”, said Hony Ocampo.

Their children, Cassandra and JM, both attend Seminary during weekdays where their lessons are also focused on Come, Follow Me. After class, during their family Come, Follow Me time, both children share their learnings from Seminary class with their parents.
In their family home evening every Monday, each member is free to share their insights and own experiences. Cassandra and JM also openly share about their progress under the Children and Youth Program of the Church, and their future plans as well. They are truly blessed with the Come, Follow Me Program.

The Miranda Family of the Sta. Ignacia Philippines Stake conducts daily Come, Follow Me discussions and Family Home Evening every Monday night.
Jason and Suzeth noticed that this weekly program helps their daughter learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the age of three, she has learned to pray on her own. Gospel topics like fasting, tithing, and the Word of Wisdom are now familiar to her, thanks to the creative ways her parents present the lessons to her.
“Living by and reading the word of God,” the First Presidency says, “will build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement” (First Presidency letter, June 29, 2018).